
The trail of the lonesome pine june age
The trail of the lonesome pine june age

This version starred Henry Fonda as Dave Tolliver, the scrapping elder cousin of the Tolliver clan. The Trail of the Lonesome Pine is based on a novel by John Fox Jr., and this appears to be the fifth time it had been brought the screen. Unfortunately, while nature may stand the test of time, some stories do not. There are some gorgeous views of cloud-covered mountains and the misty valleys below. Howard Greene still has the power to impress. It's the first Paramount feature to be shot in Technicolor, and one of the first movies using the three-strip process to film outdoors. As melodramas go, Lonesome Pine is predictable and limp, but as a technical achievement, it's still fairly grand.

the trail of the lonesome pine june age

Made in 1936, it's a pretty mediocre movie, despite its excellent cast-Henry Fonda, Fred MacMurray, and Sylvia Sidney star, and Spanky McFarland from "Our Gang" is one of the supporting players. to write a book which sold a million copies, "The Little Sheperd of Kingdom Come" also set in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky.Henry Hathaway's The Trail of the Lonesome Pine is one of those movies that now survives due to its historical significance more than its ability to entertain.

the trail of the lonesome pine june age

While accomplishing this he doesn't shirk from descriptions of the rigors and harshness of mountain life and the terror of an unseen enemy. In language lyrical and poetic, he describes the beauty of the mountains and the promise of love delayed. Fox weaves the story of an enterprising "furriner" and a local mountain girl against the background of a beaconing lonesome pine tree which provides shelter, solace, and hope from the first page to the last. This love story unfolds against the devastating changes which occurred when the coal companies came and ravaged the mountains and exploited the local people. We felt this Kentucky author captured the spirit and essence of pre-coal mining life in the Eastern Kentucky mountains. The club rated it a 7 on our scale of 1-10. The Page Turners Book Club of Greensburg Kentucky selected this book by John Fox, Jr. you were sure to experience the poetic side of life in the Kentucky mountains. I felt that the novel was deeply expressive in many ways and throughout all encounters portrayed by John Fox Jr. Although I didn't like the waay the law stepped in during the Falins and Tollivers family feuds which continued throughout June's childhoodBecause I think their battles could have been a book by itself rather than to combine them with the love and romance of Hale and June even though they greatly affected their lives. Many flowers in Kentucky are mentioned throughout the novel and June also had a flower garden built for her of Kentucky's wildflowers. I think the beauty of the state could have been captured morewhile telling of how beautiful the land was while looking at the view of the lonsome pine. In a waaay I feel that it was an insult to Kentuckians knoweledge even though it did portray June's remarkable learning rate when Hale helped her to attend school. Since the plot of the book was set in Kentucky June and her family along with the many nountaineers had our good ole country accent which also portrayed that they had not received very much education. A tall pine tree stood in solitary splendor on the top of a mountain in Kentucky and through its fame lured a young engineer to find it and leaad Hale on a trail of love which I felt was an overall wonderful plot for this book. The Trail of the Lonesome Pine proves to be an enchanting tale about love. All the while reading this, I thought of the parallel of today thinking that our culture, come hell or high water, is best for all. However, the once pure streams run black. Schools and stores and jails are built in the Gap. Speculators from as far away as England come to cash in. Meanwhile, coal has been discovered in the Cove.

the trail of the lonesome pine june age

A young girl who has only known rude mountain life and morays meets and falls in love with an engineer from 'away' who is cultured, educated, well dressed, well spoken. This is an absolutely fascinating view of tribal tradition clashing with the rule of law and proper living as the civilized world sees it. The mountain people have their own culture and rules of clan justice and they are about to discover the culture of the so-called civilized world. Along the Kentucky/Virginia border 'civilization' is arriving. Maybe the setting and circumstance is why I've given this book a 5, but it is truly is a great story. One quiet evening, the moon rising, and loons calling, I find this old book, its spotted and yellowed pages almost falling out and begin to read it. I'm vacationing in a rustic cottage on a lake in Maine with my family.

The trail of the lonesome pine june age